Fear Clinic (2015) - Clip: Paige - [HD] Robert Englund Horror Movie

2015-02-09 2

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Fear Clinic (2015)

Release: February 10, 2015
Dir.: Robert G. Hall
Robert “Freddy Krueger” Englund, Fiona Dourif, Thomas Dekker, Corey Taylor (Slipknot/Stone Sour).

"Uma tragédia expõe cinco pessoas à luz do público e eles serão tratados com o Andover Doctor que tenta ajudá-los a superar as fobias causadas pelo trauma que sofreram.
Um ano depois, as cinco pessoas começam a sofrer fenômenos estranhos e violentos que as levam de volta ao consultório do médico tentando encontrar respostas … Lá, eles logo descobrirão sobre o tratamento sinistro a que foram submetidos."

"When trauma-induced phobias begin to remerge in five survivors a year after their horrifying tragedy, they return to the “Fear Clinic” hoping to find the answers they need to get cured. Dr. Andover (Robert Englund), a fear doctor who runs the clinic, uses his Fear Chamber to animate their fears in the form of terrifying hallucinations. However, Dr. Andover begins to suspect something more sinister may be at work."